Wednesday, September 10, 2008

An Overview of the Dublin Core Data Model

DCES intended for cross-discipline resource discovery.
Issue: cannot be that detailed for individual needs, so attempting to create a modular/extensible metadata architecture to handle these singular/specific needs.
DCMI focuses on creating DCES based on these requirements:
Element Identity
Semantic Refinement
ID encoding schemes
specification of controlled vocabularies
ID of structured compound values

At first, I was completely lost after reading this article! But it's starting to make sense to me that there has to be this sort of meta-framework (this is probably not even a word!) to help with how we access resources, or information. The DCMI idea seems to encompass most of what is necessary to build an effective metadata architecture, but again... I am rather new at this sort of thing. Does anyone have any "expertish" opinions as to whether or not this model is effective?

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